Thursday, February 28, 2008

Starlite Motel

Starlite Motel. Located over by the train tracks behind the airport. I have never stayed there, but its been there as long as I can remember. Its just up the street from Irrigation Specialists. We were over there browsing some possible sprinkler options when I decided to take a snap shot.


umily said...

p.s. This is just the kind of place dad would call "hotel no tell" . . . "pay by the hour"

Annie said...

Starlite, star bright...

umily said...

yes it is bright. I really like their sign. I will have to get a shot of it at night when the lights are on. I dont know though because a lot of people who stay there. . . live there, like permanent, and they might think i am creepy sneaking about with my camera.